Interactive grammar exercise (prepositions)
from “Dong Yi” Part 5

Cloze test
with time limit and automatic scoring

Fill in all the gaps and then press the "Check" button at the bottom of the page to check your answers. If the time limit has expired, reload/refresh this page to start all over again, or proceed to the next exercise. (Best viewed on Firefox or Chrome)
   about      after      as      at      by      for      from      in      of      on      over      to      with   
Dong Yi insists Queen Inwon that she alone has the right to choose Prince Yeon Ing’s bride.

Dong Yi chooses bride the daughter a lowly Confucian scholar — a disciple Woon Hak who’s not interested politics.

The Soron ministers laugh Dong Yi’s choice but later on become frantic when they find out that the Confucian scholar’s house is filled “royal energy.”

Threatened Chun Soo, Minister Jang Mu-yeol backtracks and says that Prince Yeon Ing does not have to leave the Palace he gets married.

Prince Yeon Ing gets married.

King Sukjong asks Dong Yi her true intentions Prince Yeon Ing.

Queen Inwon becomes intrigued Dong Yi’s decisions and actions.

King Sukjong cancels all his appointments and goes a short vacation. Later, he tells the ministers that the Crown Prince will now on attend all the assemblies and be given more responsibilities.

King Sukjong shocks everyone when he declares that Dong Yi must leave the Palace. The rumors begin spreading that all the officials close Dong Yi will be demoted or dismissed.

While the Soron ministers rejoice Dong Yi’s expulsion the Palace, Minister Jang Mu-yeol becomes suspicious King Sukjong’s true intentions.

Minister Jang Mu-yeol wants to use the gullible Queen Inwon to strike Dong Yi and all her followers. Conniving the Soron leader and ministers, he gains total control the army and begins to lock down the Palace.